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Barn DoorInstalation Manual-2
Mounthedo rontherailandrotatetheantijumpdiscs towardthe back ofthedo r.
Instal2-pieceflo rguideflushwithedgeofdo ropening, andspacedfrom thewalsothedo rhangscorectly.
*Ifinstaling soft closehardware, itisbeterto rotate the discs beforehanging the dor.
Floorguide adjuststo the thickness ofthe door.
5 / 16 ”
Slidebothleftandrightstopstothedesiredlocationson therail,andtighteninplacewiththescrewsprovided. 8
Slidingthedo rfrom opentoclosed,positonthe stop erstoke pthedo rwithintheflo rguiderange.
Face-m ounted Rolers: •Philm ont • Royal • Slade •W aggoner • Vintage
Top-m ounted Roler: • Gage
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